When I was driving across the country this past summer, one of my favorite parts of the trip was coming across the most random sites and towns along the way. I had planned out all of the major things I wanted to see, but it was the unexpected stops along the way that really made the drive so special. When I started driving through
South Dakota with my best friend, our expectations were pretty low...what was there in South Dakota? It did not take long before all of these billboards started appearing. They were all
billboards for "Wall Drug" yet each billboard was advertising a completely different product from the others--not to mention all of the billboards looked incredibly out of date. One billboard would be for dinosaur figurines, another would be for fine china, and then another would be for bakery goods. These billboards were everywhere along I-90! And they were all only a few miles apart.
Seeing the billboards became incredibly entertaining. With each billboard offering a new product, we became filled with anticipation just wondering what
Wall Drug actually was. I assumed it was some sort of chain throughout South Dakota that was some sort of general store (hence the great assortment). I was surprised, however, once we arrived to find that
Wall Drug was not a chain, it was one store in
Wall, SD. As we entered the town, a huge sign read "Welcome to Wall. Home of Wall Drug." This store essentially was the town. It is a huge store comprise of several different categories or stores with all sorts of goodies. It looks like it is out of a western with all of the cowboy gear and swinging doors.
It turns out, the
founders of the store had opened the store simply as a pharmacy, but when business was slow, they decided to cater to all those driving by, by offering them what they may have wanted...cold water in the hot summer! Their business started growing and they began incorporating more aspects to the store to make Wall Drug a fun stop across South Dakota.
Even though I was only there for about an hour, it was really neat to experience
Wall Drug. One definitely gets the sense of pride in this town for their Drug Store.